Robert Stolarik for The New York Times, Lousy Photoshop: Charles El-Mir Protestors gathered in lower Manhattan for what they called a Day of Action Against Charles's No Blog Status.
For months the protesters had planned to descend and occupy part of the streets as an expression of anger" -- NY Times
Things have started to escalate; I should do something about that before it turns into a riot.
Therefore ... due to popular demand, I have finally decided to start my very own blog.
Now, I'm pretty sure my blog won't be as artistic as my
awesome sister's blog nor as inspiring as my
other awesome sister's blog. Perhaps the only thing we might have in common (besides the 'elmir' part in the URL), is that I would most probably forget about it in a few weeks and leave it un-updated (Yeah, latshe).
My blog will also not be featuring "Dear diary" entries (you know yourself).
I'll keep you with that first post until I figure out what I'm gonna be writing in this space.
To my blog readers, welcome ... grab a pizza while you're at it.
To my stalker (that's you, mum) ... where's the pizza?
So now that I have taken the first step and started the blog, perhaps protesters can focus on other equally important stuff like, say ... word peace.
Charles El-Mir for The Whatsapp Running on The Samsung Galaxy S (sarl)
PS: Myra, I need some simple design for this thing please *rolls eyes*